Our Industries

Logistics setups can also be complex, especially within multinational companies with a lot of intercompany sales and regional warehouse…

Companies with the heart centered around production, usually have a much more complex process landscape at hand. How do you balance…

Chocolate, or rather chocolate machinery, takes us from small well defined products to a business where each and every “product” is a rather…

The Jewelry industry is a high margin industry, which in many ways are still very conservative. Somehow the local Jeweler has managed to…

Retail is an area that has gotten a significant boost in terms of Business Intelligence the recent years. Retail is by far the area that allows you…

Who doesn’t like the smell of freshly baked bread in the morning. Some companies have made it their living to give people this marvelous…

Food Industry
What separates the food industry from other businesses is usually the facilitation of fast moving consumer goods having an expiry date…

The Textile industry was heavily redefined with the economical recession in 2007. Instead of accepting a decline in growth, the textile…

Producing hardware (including lighting) is a ball game of its own that only the very big players have managed to succeed in so far. One of the…